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These webcams are located at Woody Point in the SE suburbs of Redcliffe. Redcliffe is approximately 25km's NNE of Brisbane, Australia. The cameras face SW (left) through to W (right) and operate between 4:30am and 11pm, taking an image every 1 minute. Images at night are exposures of 16 seconds meaning the cameras can and will capture lightning. The cameras are hosted by the Humpybong Yacht Club.

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Current Local Time Saturday, Feb 15, 6:15am       Sun Sunrise 5:34am   Set 6:29pm       Today's Forecast Forecast for Today
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(western camera)
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Do you have a view you'd like to share with others? We're actively looking for webcam locations around Australia on an ongoing basis. All of the hardware needed will be provided, all you need is the view and an internet connection! For more information contact Ben Quinn by email or by phoning 0422 188 164.

The Australian Weathercam Network is proudly supported by Time Lapse Pty Ltd